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Chinese Herbs

What is Chinese Herb?

Chinese herbs refer to the herbal medicines made from the components of plants like roots, stems, leaves, and fruits. China is the birthplace of Chinese herbs and there are about 12,000 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines at present.

How is Herbal Medicine Made?

There are five steps to make a herbal medicine.

Step 1: Cleansing

The first step is to cleanse the non-medicinal parts of the herbs. For some herbs like the white peony root, the exterior skin needs to be scraped off. Herbs containing starch or sugar or a lot of mucilage will have to be boiled to deactivate the enzymes and keep the herbs' medicinal properties.

Step 2: Cutting

Rhizomes herbs like the salvia miltiorrhiza, radix angelicae dahuricae, radix peucedani, achyranthes bidentata, blackberrykiky rhizome, and pueraria lobata need to be cut into pieces or segments. At the same time, they are fresh and then be dried. For fruit medicines that are not easy to be dried, they are often cut into pieces.

Step 3: Drying

The purpose of drying the herbs is to facilitate long-term storage. It's essential to keep the herbs' shape, smell, and ingredients remain unchanged during the drying process.

What Are the Benefits of Chinese Herbs?

For Weight Loss

Multiflower knotweed root: it's widely known that multiflower knotweed root is good for hair care. The fact is this herb is also useful in losing fat. It can promote the intestines' peristalsis to expel the intestinal wastes, prevent intestines from absorbing the cholesterol, and prevent the deposition of the cholesterol in the liver.
Oriental water plantain: tasting sweet, the oriental water plantain can eliminate the body edema and accelerating metabolism to achieve weight loss.
Honeysuckle: it's good in heat-clearing and detoxicating. It’s especially suitable to take in Summer. However, people with weak spleen and stomach are not recommended to take honeysuckle.
Lotus leaf: According to modern Chinese medicine study and research, the lotus leaf is beneficial in treating hyperlipemia.

For Energy

Rhodiola: Rhodiola is best known for improving one’s memory and concentration. It can increase people's sensitivity, endurance, and reduce their fatigue.
Eleuthero: Eleutheroes are mostly produced in Siberia, and some of them are from northeast China. It's good for revitalizing energy and promote short-term memory. When you feel fatigued, a cup of Eleuthero tea can help you to refocus and refresh quickly. It's not recommended to take this tea before sleep. People with high blood pressure need to be careful when handling the Eleuthero.
Schisandra: Schisandra is very special in calming and tranquilizing people's minds. By taking schisandra, one can be relaxed, calm, and improve their reading and comprehension.
Gynostemma pentaphyllum can help alleviate anxiety, stress, headaches, and insomnia caused by frequent brain usage. Taking it in the morning, you will feel refreshed and vitalized all day. Taking it in the evening, you will feel relaxed and enjoy a sound sleep.

For Anemia and Aging

According to traditional Chinese medicine theories, Qi and blood are the foundation of human beings. Many illnesses were caused by the inadequacy of the Qi and blood. Therefore, it's very important to keep the sufficiency of Qi and blood. For women, anemia can accelerate aging and weaken one's body. Let's see what Chinese herbs can help to enrich your blood.
1. Donkey-hide Gelatin
Donkey-hide gelation is mainly synthesized from collagen and partical hydrolysates. The results of pharmacological experiments show that the Donkey-hide gelatin can promote the generation of erythrocytes and hemoglobins, improve the calcium balance in one's body, and treat progressive muscular dystrophy.

2. Polygonum Multiflorum
Polygonum multiflorum can help promote red blood cells, lower cholesterol, and resist arteriosclerosis and laxative, making it one of the important anti-aging herbs. Besides, it's good for hair care, skincare, and moisturizing.

3. Medlar
Medlar is conducive to resist arteriosclerosis, lower blood glucose, promote the regeneration of the liver cells. Therefore, by drinking the water with medlars, one can enhance his body and delay the aging process.

4. Ginseng
Ginseng is beneficial in resisting oxidation, aging, and fatigue, protecting the liver, adjusting the cardiovascular function, and stimulating the hematopoietic system.

5. Astragalus
Astragalus is conducive to dilate the coronary arteries, improve myocardial blood supply, improve the immune functions, and postpone the aging process of cells.

For Hair Loss

1. Astragalus
Astragalus contains various amino acids, betaine, folic acid, alkaloids, and minor elements that dilate blood vessels, improve skins, prevent hair loss, and promote hair growth.

2. Angelica
Angelica has the effect of expanding the capillaries of the scalp and skin, promoting blood circulation, moisturizing human hair. It's especially good in preventing and treating hair loss caused by blood deficiency and childbirth.

3. Medlar
Medlar contains many vitamins A and C, which has a preventive effect on hair loss caused by a lack of vitamins or minor elements.

Do Chinese herbs have side effects?

Chinese Herbal Medicine does have side effects. There is no side effect mentioned on the instructions, but Chinese herbal medicine is an empirical medicine that didn't go through modern scientific research and verification. Therefore, it has a certain side effect, which is very subtle for people to notice. Besides, the purification and the producing technique of Chinese herbs are not as good as that of western medicines, resulting in some mild side effects. Nevertheless, it’s reckless to conclude that Chinese herbs are of no use. The side effects of herbal medicine only occur in a small number of people. As long as you take herbal medicine by following your doctor's advice and observe your physical change, there won't be any problem.

Are Chinese Herbs Safe?

All medicine has to side effects, so does Chinese herbal medicine. Does this mean that we can't take the Chinese herbal medication anymore? The answer is no. Chinese herbs do have some adjuvant treatment effects on specific diseases, and some herbs did reach modern pharmaceutical standards by utilizing modern technology. Therefore, instead of questioning whether the Chinese herbs are safe, people should pay more attention to the Chinese herbs' making process, buy the real Chinese herbs, and take them strictly as the physicians advise.

Common Herbal Teas in China

Ginger Tea with Chinese Dates: dispel coldness out of your body.
Mint Tea: clear your mind and eyes, relieve sore throat, and dispel heat out of your body.
Burdock Tea: relieve internal heat or fever, relieve cough, and reduce sputum.
Mulberry Leaf Tea: nourish the lung and arrest cough.
Chrysanthemum Tea: relieve internal heat or fever.
Lotus Plumule Tea: dispel internal heat.
Honeysuckle Tea: clear heat and remove toxicity.
Forsythia Suspensa Tea: dredge the bodily heat.
Aloe Tea: purge intense heat and relax the bowel.
Tangerine Peel: tonify spleen, eliminate dampness, and resolve phlegm.
Crataegus Tea: eliminate intestinal impaction and dyspepsia.
Lily Tea: Calm one’s mind, ease one’s nerve, and nourish the heart.
Medlar Tea: nourish liver and kidney.

How to Preserve the Chinese Herbs?

Most Chinese herbs are dried, which means they should be preserved at a low temperature (10 degrees Celsius) and out of heat, light, and humidity, and most importantly, sealed in a well-closed container. If you have many Chinese herbs, it’s essential to classify them and store herbs in different containers.

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