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Ming Dynasty History

Ming Dynasty Emperors in Order



Dynastic Title

Reign Title


Brief Introduction


Zhu Yuanzhang


Hongwu (1368-1398)

Xiao Mausoleum

He is the founder of the Ming Dynasty.


Zhu Yunwen


Jianwen (1399-1402)

Not Clear

He is the grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang and died of murder.


Zhu Di


Yongle (1403-1424)

Chang Mausoleum

He is the fourth son of Zhu Yuanzhang and created the Great Yongle Reign.


Zhu Gaozhi


Hongxi (1424-1425)

Xian Mausoleum

He was innovative but ascended the throne at an old age and died soon after.


Zhu Zhanji




Jing Mausoleum

He inherited the unfulfilled wish from Zhu Gaozhi and created a Great Renxuan Reign.


Zhu Qizhen


Zhengtong (1436-1449)

Tianshun (1457-1464)


He ascended the throne at 9 years old, and was imprisoned by Mongols after the Tumu Crisis, retook the throne 7 years later.


Zhu Yinyu


Jingtai (1450-1457)


He replaced his brother Zhu Yinzhen for 7 years.


Zhu Jianshen


Chenghua (1465-1487)


In his early reign, he was conscientious but became obsessed with alchemy and employed some eunuchs to perform his role.


Zhu Youtang


Hongzhi (1488-1505)


He eliminated the corrupt eunuchs and ministers left by his father and made great social development progress.


Zhu Youzhao


Zhengde (1506-1521)


During his reign, the Ming Dynasty was facing foreign and domestic threats, but he still indulged himself in women and wine. He died with no heir.


Zhu Youcong


Jiajing (1522-1566)


He was quite open and diligent in the early years but became obsessed with alchemy and neglected state affairs. During his reign, the country faced more invasion and threats from outside.


Zhu Zaihou


Longqing (1567-1572)


During his reign, the minister Zhang Juzheng implemented a comprehensive reform in politics, military, and economy, creating a short boom period.


Zhu Yijun


Wanli (1573-1620)


The reform advocated by Zhang Juzheng was continued for about a decade but died with the death of Zhang. In later of the period, the country became weaker due to a series of wrong decisions. Since then, the Ming Dynasty began to decline.


Zhu Changluo


Taichang (in 1620, one month)


He died of so-called red pills after ascending the throne for just a month.


Zhu Youxiao


Tianqi (1621-1627)


During his reign, the politics became darker and more corrupt. The treacherous eunuch Wei Zhongxian came into power and hastened the decline of the Ming Dynasty. Meanwhile, the Manchu dynasty was established and grew fast.


Zhu Youjian


Chongzhen (1628-1644)


He tried to save the Ming Dynasty, and nothing can bring back its good times. Uprisings took place everywhere until Li Zicheng broke into Beijing in March 1644, who was later defeated by armies led by Huang Taiji (Nurhachi's son, built Qing Dynasty). The emperor hung himself on a tree in Jingshan park. The Great Ming Dynasty officially came to an end.

How was Ming Dynasty built?

In the late Yuan Dynasty, Han Chinese was unbearably oppressed by Mongolian rulers' over-taxation and ethnic discrimination. Uprisings broke out everywhere. In 1351, a massive flood of the Yellow River broke, and hundreds of thousands of people were forced to repair the dikes, which ignited greater resentment and anger among peasants. In May, a group named Red Turbans led by Han Shantong and Liu Futong launched an uprising. The next year, Guo Zixing echoed the revolt and recruited more people to take over Haozhou (current Fengyang, Anhui province). A penniless young man named Zhu Yuanzhang joined Guo's army and made an excellent reputation among his peers. He gained great trust from Guo and married Guo's foster daughter Ma Xiuying. Later, Zhu Yuanzhang left Haozhou and began to develop his army.

In the following few years, competing rebels fought against each other for the control of the country. Under Liu Futong's support, Han Liner claimed the throne and became King Xiao Ming, appointing Haozhou as the capital city. After the death of Guozixing, Zhu Yuanzhang inherited his army and was promoted by King Xiaoming as a vice marshal. At this time, the Yuan dynasty shambled; there was only one big competing rival remaining, Chen Youliang. In 1360, Zhu Yuanzhang had a conclusive fight with him in Poyang Lake, which significantly destroyed Chen's force. Three years later, Chen Youliang died along with his army. Zhu Yuanzhang was raised to be King Western Wu.

In 1366, King Xiao Ming and his greatest supporter, Liu Futong, drowned in Guobu River, leaving the new kingdom leaderless. Zhu Yuanzhang actively proposed himself and further enhanced his influence among the army by eliminating the remaining small rivals. In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne and established the Ming Dynasty in Yingtianfu (current Nanjing). In the same year, his force broke into the Yuan Dynasty capital Dadu (present Beijing) and razed all the Yuan palaces.

Reign of the Hongwu (Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang) - New Era

After ascending the throne, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately lowered the taxation and took measures to rebuild the infrastructure. He also dismissed a lot of corrupt ministers and officers to help the economy grow. To further stabilize the kingdom, Zhu Yuanzhang sent troops to evict Mongols to deep north and made sure they won’t invade again.

When Zhu Yuanzhang stabilized the whole realm, he began to renovate the internal administrations. Although he promoted a lot of deserving subordinates, he still held suspicions about their honesty. He made a lot of examples to show his intolerance of corruption, among which two were exceptional. In 1380, he had his chancellor Hu Weihong executed under an accusation of scheming a conspiracy against his rule. Later, more ministers concerning Hu Weiyong, close or far, were put to death, totaling 30,000 people. The other example is that a great general named Lan Yu was executed for being insolent and domineering. There were over 15,000 people executed.

To reinforce the imperial power, he abolished Chancellery and grasped all powers to himself. Everything, big or small, shall be presented to him to decide. He also developed a network of secret police called Jinyiwei to monitor all his ministers and subjects.

Reign of Yongle (Emperor Zhudi)

In 1398, Zhu Yunwen (Zhu Yuanzhang’s grandson) assumed the throne and changed the dynasty era as Jianwen. To strengthen the imperial power, Zhu Yunwen plotted to weaken the power of areal seigniors. A couple of lords were disentitled or forced to commit suicide. King Yan Zhu Di (emperor’s uncle), the militarily mighty, took the first strike and schemed a rebellion against his nephew. He personally led the army to attack Nanjing and burned the palaces to the ground. Zhu Yunwen’s body remained unfound. To make sure no one dared to rebel against his rule, Zhu Di oppressed the dissenters, especially the ministers who served Emperor Jianwen. He restored the secret guarding system his father established and built the Dongchang (another private service) to surveil his ministers and subjects better. Those guards from Jinyiwei or Dongchang only took orders from the emperor directly.

In 1405, Zhu Di changed Beiping to Beijing's current name and began to design the imperial palace - the Forbidden City. In 1416, Zhu Di demoted Nanjing to the second capital and made Beijing the new capital. In 1420, the Forbidden City was completed, and in the next year, Beijing became the capital city of the Ming Dynasty.

During the reign of Emperor Yongle, Ming Dynasty reached its prime times. Emperor Yongle made remarkable achievements in defending the national borders. He personally led the army to fight against the remaining forces of Mongol tribes and made sure no one tribe could grow powerful enough to revolt against the central government. He also greatly expanded the Ming Dynasty territory. Ming Dynasty reached its prime times.

To show how strong the Ming Dynasty was, Zhu Di entrusted Zhenghe, an admiral commander, to voyage to current southeastern Asia. Zheng He had 7 times of such expeditions in his lifetime and went to over 30 countries, greatly propagating the great Ming Dynasty and increasing the central government's fiscal revenue. Although fleets were sent to foster economic relationships in Chinese history, Zheng He’s Expedition was unprecedented and the grandest.

Zhu Di also attached great importance to cultural inheritance. He ordered minister Xie Jin and other 3,000 scholars to compile an encyclopedia. Eventually, a great book named The Yongle Canon was completed; Zhu Di personally wrote an intro. This book has 22,877 chapters, about 370,000,000 characters, involving astrology, geology, medical skills, religions, philosophy, classics, history, artistry, and more.

Tumu Crisis

In 1436, the 9-year-old Zhu Qizhen ascended the throne, and thus the Zhengtong era began. The eunuch Wang Zhen gained the trust of the emperor and seized power. He grew more imperious that he abolished the rule that eunuchs are forbidden to engage in any political matters set by Emperor Hongwu. He even compelled other ministers to call him “Wongfu” (a respected senior patriarch). During this time, the Oirat tribe in the western Mongolian area grew strong. In 1449, the tribe leader launched an invasion of northern Ming territory. Wangzhen instigated Emperor Yingzong to fight against the Oirats personally. The emperor took his advice and led an army of 200,000 warriors to the war area, leaving the national affairs to his brother Zhu Qiyu. In August, the message came back to the capital that the royal army was defeated, and the emperor was heading back to the capital. When the remaining military made to the Tumu Fort, the Oirat force caught up and captured the emperor. Wang Zhen was killed by general Fan Zhong. This is the Tumu Crises, an alleged transition point of the Ming Dynasty.

The Oirats held the Zhengtong Emperor for ransom, which proved to be useless as Zhu Qiyu, with the help of general Yu Qian, ascended the throne under the era name of Jingtai (1449-57). The new emperor reorganized the frontier defense and disposed of more forces to protect Beijing. In October of 1449, the Oirats came near Beijing but were rigorously rebelled by Ming forces led by general Yu Qian. In 1450, Oirats released emperor Zhengtong, who was disrespected by his brother and put into house arrest until a coup against Emperor Jingtai was succeeded (the Wresting the Gate Incident). Emperor Zhengtong restored his throne under the era name of Tianshun.

Decline of the Ming Dynasty

Reign of Wanli Emperor (1572-1620)

Zhang Juzheng’s Reform

In 1573, 10-year-old Zhu Lijun ascended the throne and became Wanli Emperor. The Queen Mother acted as a regent, and she applied a couple of able advisers and ministers. One of the most capable ministers was Zhang Juzheng. He proposed a series of reforms regarding the internal administration, state economy, and military affairs, creating a short period of prosperity. After he died in 1852, no one could fit his shoes and continue the reform. Wanli Emperor began to attend the court affairs independently, and most of the policies advocated by Zhang Juzheng were abolished, and the Ming Dynasty began to decline.

Dispute of Throne Successor and Wanli Emperor’s Indolence to National Affairs

Wanli Emperor’s indecision of choosing between his eldest son Zhu Changluo and third son Zhu Changxun to inherit his throne made ministers very impatient. According to tradition, the eldest son should be a natural heir, but Wanli Emperor preferred his third son. The ministers urged the emperor to decide sooner to prepare the prince for the task. Finally, in 1601, Wanli Emperor was forced to select Zhu Changluo to be the next emperor officially, and his preferred son was raised as King Fu. The latter was not satisfied with the arrangement; he stuck around the capital until the Wooden Stick Case. Wanli Emperor’s resentment to his ministers reached a point that he decided to withdraw himself from most court affairs, except the critical ones. He was found continuously absent from the critical administrative meetings and avoided personal contact with most ministers. The Ming Dynasty became darker, and social contradictions became more apparent.

Dispute of Donglin Society

Wanli Emperor’s insolence to the state affairs had many consequences, one of which is the shortage of ministers in the cabinet. Gu Xiancheng, in charge of the official distribution, was an honest and righteous minister. He opposed the emperor for trying to make the third prince Zhu Changxun to ascend the throne, which made him unfavored by the Wanli Emperor. When Gu recommended a couple of competent ministers (the emperor disliked all of them) to fill the cabinet, the emperor was enraged and dismissed Gu Xiancheng. When Gu got back to his hometown Wuxi, he began to advocate his political views in Donglin Academy and gained many admirers. Gu Xiancheng and his supporters established the Donglin Society to spread knowledge and discuss current affairs. They even attracted some sitting ministers. The rising of Donglin Society threatened the other societies, thus suffered all kinds of persecutions. The influence of Donglin Society continued for three dynasty eras to die out until the flagitious eunuch Wei Zhongxian came to power.

Three Expeditions During Wanli Emperor’s Reign

1.Korea War Against Japan

In 1592, the Japanese feudal lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent an army to invade Wangjing (current Seoul, capital of South Korea) and proceeded to Pyongyang (present capital of North Korea). The Korean King failed to defend his territory and asked for help from the Wanli Emperor. Ming court issued several armies to fight for Korea, and finally, in November of that year, the Japanese invaders were evicted.

2.Battle of Ningxia

The battle of Ningxia refers to the suppression of Bo Bai’s rebellion against the central court. Bo Bai used to be an Oirat leader who pledged loyalty to the Ming Dynasty. In 1592, he launched a rebellion against the imperial governance, which was crushed by the Ming Dynasty's joined army. Bo Bai hung himself, his sons, and other generals were captured.

3. Battle of Bozhou

Bozhou is located in a strategical spot of borders of Sichuan, Guizhou, and Hubei provinces. Since the Tang Dynasty, Yang Family was appointed to reside here. Since 1590, the relationship between Yang Yinglong (patriarch of Yang Family) and the Ming government had deteriorated. In 1596, Yang Yinglong launched a public rebellion against the central government. In 1600, the central government's joint army defeated Yang’s army and stabilized the area. This battle has almost drained the last fiscal and military resources of the Ming Dynasty. It significantly increased the decline of the Ming Dynasty.

Eunuch Wei Zhongxian (1568-1627)

Although eunuchs were prohibited from engaging in any political affairs by the founder emperor of the Ming Dynasty, they managed to find ways to meddle since Yongle Emperor's reign. They gained trust from the emperor and acted as the intermediary between the emperor and ministers. Many ministers even have to bribe them to meet the emperor or get their messages to the emperor.

These eunuchs were independent of the civil bureaucracy. They were even put in charge of the imperial workshops and collect provincial taxation.

In 1621, Zhu Youxiao ascended the throne under the era name of Tianqi. He was a natural carpenter, and he spent most of his time studying how to make furniture or artifacts. The eunuch Wei Zhongxian took advantage of the emperor’s hobby and always presented the critical issues to the emperor while he was studying carpentry. The emperor casually spoke to him that he could decide those issues. Wei Zhongxian began to grasp the power to himself. He allied with many ministers and persecuted a lot of opponents, especially the members of the Donglin Society. He also ordered temples built everywhere in his honor. His family and friends had benefited a lot from his position. He was put to death by Chongzhen Emperor.

Rising of Manchu

In 1583, Nurhachi unified all the Nuzhen tribes and established the Jin Dynasty in 1616 under the era name of Tianming, with Hetula city (current Xinbin county) as its capital.
In 1618, he declared war against the ruling Ming emperor.
In 1621, Nurhachi occupied Liaoyang and Shenyang, moved his capital to Liaoyang.
In the Spring of 1625, Nurhachi removed the capital to Shenyang, making it the political center of the Jin Dynasty.
1635, Huang Taiji (Nurhachi’s son) abolished the old ethnic name into Manchu.
In 1636, Huang Taiji changed the title of the reigning dynasty Jin to Qing Dynasty.

Fall of the Ming Dynasty

In 1644, the peasant army led by Li Zicheng broke into Beijing, forcing the Chongzhen Emperor (last Ming Dynasty Emperor) to hang himself on a tree in Jingshan Park. Li Zicheng built Dashun Dynasty and assumed himself to be the emperor. General Wu Sangui of the Ming Dynasty was attacked by both the peasants' army and the Manchu army; he surrendered to Manchu rulers and invited them to Beijing. With the help of Wu Sangui, the Manchu army broke into Beijing and destroyed the new Dashun Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty officially fell into history.

For More Chinese History

1. Timeline of Chinese Dynasties

2. Early Dynasties of China - Xia Shang and Zhou Dynasties

3. Qing Dynasty - The Last Dynasty in China
