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Year of the Goat

Chinese Zodiacs

Goat is the eighth zodiac in the 12 Chinese zodiacs. It’s associated with the earthly branch Wei (未), which corresponds to the hours 1-3 in the afternoon. In terms of Yin and Yang, the zodiac Goat is Yin.

Years of the Goat

Years of the Goat


Associated Element


Heavenly Stems


Feb.17,1919 - Feb.5,1920



Xin Wei


Feb.5,1943 - Jan.24,1944



Gui Wei


Jan.24,1955 - Feb.11,1956



Yi Wei


Feb.9,1967 - Jan.29,1968



Ding Wei


Jan.28,1979 - Feb.15,1980



Ji Wei


Feb.15,1991 - Feb.3,1992



Xin Wei


Feb.1,2003 - Jan.21,2004



Gui Wei


Feb.19,2015 - Feb.7,2016



Yi Wei


Feb.6,2027 - Jan.25,2028



Ding Wei

Goat People’s Personality


1.Introverted, soft, but doughty;

2. Discreet, stable, reliable, compassionate, and sensitive;

3. Considerate, aggressive, and sociable;

4. Innovative, imaginative, creative, ambitious;

5. Filial, enduring, and persistent;

6. Frugal and kind.


1. Pessimistic and too introverted;

2. Impractical and stubborn;

3. Indecisive, too sensitive and tender;

Characteristics of Goat Men

In life: Men born in years of the goat are friendly, compassionate, and pessimistic. They like to make friends and cooperate with others. Facing a problem, goat men often see it negatively. They need other people to help them to disperse those unnecessary concerns.

In relationships: Goat men are born with a strong sense of compassion, which makes them irresistible to lovely girls. Family and friends are very important to goat men that they can’t even think of leaving them one day. If someone they are familiar with left them, goat men will feel sad for a long time.

In career: Goat men like to work in a relaxing and pleasant environment rather than an extremely competitive workplace. Therefore, they can't be working on jobs that have a high demand or require decision making.

Characteristics of Goat Women

In life: Women born in years of the goat are meticulous, capable, and elegant. They like to spend a lot of time wearing makeup and dressing; they often clean their house very carefully to create an extremely comfortable home and take good care of their families. Therefore, goat women are naturally good at decorating the house.

In relationships: Goat women are very considerate but demanding to their loved ones. They are elegant, tender, meticulous, and impractical. To their spouses, goat women are very attached; and take them as the most reliable person. Meanwhile, goat women are good at preparing for themselves. If there are some problems during their relationships, they will be prepared.

In career: Goat women generally have a good job, but their pessimism and indecision often keep them confined to their fields and miss opportunities.

Goats and Western Astrology Signs



Free thinking and rebellious.


Silent and quick-witted.


Emotional, negative.


Cheerful, optimistic, stubborn, and loyal.


Smart, imaginative, and passionate about art.


Showy and particular.


Argumentative, irritable, and impulsive.


Solitary, creative.


Vigorous, clear-minded, and creative.


Success and fame-pursuing.


Emotional, clear-minded, and novel.


Sensitive, observant.

Goats and Five Elements

Types of Tiger



Wood Goat

1955, 2015

Wood goats are prudent, kind, courteous, compassionate, and popular among their friends. As they often don't have families that can help them, wood goats must do everything on their own. Therefore, they are often alone or remain solitary in marriage, while their partners travel a lot. However, wood goats can still maintain a great relationship with their partners.

Metal Goat

1931, 1991

Metal goats are kind-hearted, ambitious, flexible outside, responsible, and principled. They can do things as planned and move forward step by step. However, metal goats are too stubborn to pursue a novel course.

Water Goat

1943, 2003

Water goats are gentle, amiable, modest, responsible, value friends, and willing to sacrifice themselves for friends. They are popular among their friends, but their generosity without thinking for themselves often make them suffer losses. Besides, the unique characters of water goats decided that they are suitable for the technology industry or doing research.

Fire Goat

1967, 2027

Fire goats are mild and tidy, but they often worry a lot about trivial things. Therefore, they need independent partners who can help them to straighten things out. Meanwhile, fire goats are straightforward, righteous, and willing to help their friends in any condition. However, they are also emotional and subjective, making it hard for them to run a business with other people.

Earth Goat

1979, 2039

Earth goats are upright, frank, and straightforward; they often say things without thinking. However, they are neither calculating nor have the intention of hurting anybody. Therefore, earth goats are quite popular among their friends.

Goats with Different Blood Type

Goats with Blood Type A

Goats with blood type A are kind-hearted, considerate, philanthropic, and retiring. They like a peaceful and stable life and hate risks. Once they decide, they will make a detailed plan beforehand and proceed step by step. No small detail can escape their eyes. These goats are patient, persistent, modest, and practical. They often have a specific goal to pursue. However, they lack the spirit of challenge and often limit themselves to their small world. As a result, they miss a lot of opportunities.

Goats with Blood Type B

Goats with blood type B are reticent, emotional, upright, kind, honest; but very introverted. They don't know how to control their emotions and often act differently to other people facing the same situation. They are silent most of the time unless they are with their good friends. In secret, these goats yearn for the colorful life outside, but their inferiority complex often keeps these ideas within their mind.

Goats with Blood Type AB

Goats with blood type AB are introverted, silent, and solitary. They don't like to share their feelings and opinions with other people; instead, they like to remain alone. They are obsessed with cleanliness and often make sure everything around is clean and tidy. In other people's eyes, these goats are mild, silent, and nice. However, once they are angry, things can be unimaginable. They often live as they like and remain indifferent to things that don't concern them. Therefore, many opportunities slip away from them without them even knowing.

Goats with Blood Type O

Goat people with blood type O are composed, discreet, well-behaved, and considerate. They always think for others and rarely quarrel with people. Therefore, these goats often seem to be sufferers. Besides, they are introverted and respectful. They may wear a broad smile before people, goats with blood type O are suffering inside. They are just too discreet to expose their feelings. In a career, they are hardworking and diligent. However, they are too prudent and suspicious of people, which causes them a lot of good opportunities.

Goats’ Love Compatibility

Each zodiac has its characteristics. Love compatibility of Chinese zodiacs takes these characteristics, five elements, and the horoscope into account to predict the best and worst matches. Refer to the following table for Goats’ best matches.























Good Matches: Rabbit, Horse, Pig

Bad Matches: Ox, Dragon, Snake, Dog

Lucky and Unlucky Things for Goat People

Lucky Things for Goats

Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 9

Lucky Colors: green, red, purple

Lucky Flowers: carnation, primrose, Alice flower

Lucky Directions: east, southeast, south

Things to be avoided

Unlucky numbers: 6, 7, 8

Unlucky Colors: gold, brown, black

Unlucky Direction: west

Suitable Jobs and Careers for Goats

Best Career for Goats: Publishing

The best suitable career for goats must be works that require a thoughtful and exquisite mind like artists, writers, advertisers, and philosophers. Besides, simple and stable works like typists and teachers are also suitable for them. The best career for goats is publishing, in which goats can better apply their strengths.

Best Business for Goats: beauty business

Goats are tender, kind-hearted, courteous, and have good taste. If they engage in the beauty business, they are likely to be successful. The beginning may not be smooth, but the patient goats will stick to it and increase their credit.

Who is the Best Business Partner for Goats?

Goat and Rat

Bad partners. There is a misunderstanding between them that can be turned into hatred. Even the smallest dispute will cause a problem between them.

Goat and Ox

Bad partners. They are apathetic to each other. During work, there is a good chance they cant cooperate.

Goat and Tiger

Average partners. Their lack of understanding will keep them from coordinating, but they wont argue publicly.

Goat and Rabbit

Good partners. They are close, have mutual topics, and can make a great combination in both marriage and business.

Goat and Dragon

Average partners. They have common benefits that can keep them work together.

Goat and Snake

Average partners. If they have shared interests, they will work hard together.

Goat and Horse

Great partners. They are very attractive to each other. Therefore, they can work together.

Goat and Goat

Good partners. They are similar people and have similar expectations, which will make them cooperate well.

Goat and Monkey

Bad partners. There is little common ground between them.

Goat and Rooster

Bad partners. There are no common points between them, but a lot of misunderstandings.

Goat and Dog

Bad partners. They cant work together for an inharmonious relationship.

Goat and Pig

Great partners. They can understand and reply to each other.

How to Build a Relationship with Goats?

1. Do Not Overlook Them

Goat people are very sensitive and afraid to be overlooked. Therefore, if you have a goat friend, you must not overlook them. If you make a promise to them, please remember to keep your promise. Otherwise, sensitive goats will be very disappointed.

2. Make Them Feel Safe

Goat people are nice to everyone, even to people they aren't familiar. But that is just courtesy; they won't open their heart unless you make them feel safe enough.

3. Do Not Urge Them

Goat people have their own rules and methods in dealing with things. They don't like others to interfere. Therefore, you can't urge them even if you are anxious. Otherwise, the goats will be under great pressure and may become too emotional to finish the work.

For More Chinese Zodiacs

Zodiac RatZodiac OxZodiac TigerZodiac RabbitZodiac DragonZodiac SnakeZodiac HorseZodiac GoatZodiac MonkeyZodiac RoosterZodiac DogZodiac Pig
